Technical coordination meeting (10/28/22)

Last October 28, 2022, a technical coordination meeting took place between the two research groups participating in COMPANION-CM; namely Robotics Lab and GPM.

Meeting Robotics Lab – GPM (10/28/22, 2.1A18)

First, both GPM and Robotics Lab reported on the evolution of their work.

The first objective was the joint design of the first demonstration in which the robot relies on the gaze dynamics of the subject it interacts with to anticipate the subject’s intention.

The second objective was to start planning the ERC Sinergy Grant proposal, which we will submit in autumn 2023.

The third objective was to plan the joint publications planned to be launched throughout 2023. In particular, IROS 2023 was established as the first event of interest at which to publicize the work being done in COMPANION.